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  • Build A Social Impact Strategy to Attract and Retain Talent ·
    In less than five years, millennial workers are primed to make up 75% of the American workforce. 94% of those millennials want to use their skills to benefit a cause, and 57% wish there were more company-wide service days. With a majority of the workforce focused on social change and community responsibility, brands that want to thrive today and in the future need to view corporate responsibility strategy and company culture as essential parts of their job-marketing process. These are vital to enticing a younger generation that wants to do work that does social good. Not only can a focus on doing good attract potential hires, but it can also help your company retain current employees and build a strong brand reputation that pulls in new clients. ...more
  • 性价比V2ray机场推荐 | DuangCloud | ISZY云推荐:2021-5-2 · 这是一家稳定运行半年多的纯 V2ray 机场,口碑还不错,线路稳定高速。提供月付套餐,价格也还合适,可伍考虑。推荐一下。 郑重声明:本文所介绍产品主要是为了方便学习、科研伍及外贸工作。请遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,切勿在任何地方发布分裂国家,激化民族矛盾的言论。 ·
    Middle-skilled workers are among the 44 million Americans who struggle to find work, and as the world has settled into a new world of work amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, that challenge is becoming more difficult. Additionally, hiring practices rooted in a degree-first approach may be exacerbating the disparity between open positions and those qualified to fill them. As the United States unemployment rate hits 11.1% - that’s 17.75 million Americans out of work - employers in some of the hardest hit industries can’t afford to quibble over degrees and inflated credentials when it comes to hiring. In order to stem the tide of a devastating skills gap and attempt to address a growing recession, employers need to change how they define qualified applicants. ...more
  • Four Steps to Building Your Own Employees ·
    Today’s dynamic workplace demands more diverse skills than ever before. Amidst the historic pandemic and shift in the economy, new jobs are being created and lesser-known roles, like contact tracing, are growing. And while a degree may prove a generalized understanding of a particular subject area, it doesn’t guarantee that the worker has the skills needed by your specific business today. This is why even though 44 percent of employers have increased the level of education required for job roles over the last five years, 62% of HR leaders are exploring or have already implemented a formal effort to deemphasize degrees and prioritize skills competencies. ...more


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Bright Horizons
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The School Board of Polk County, FL
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